Maybe in Another Life: A Novel by Taylor Jenkins Reid. "A breathtaking new novel about a young woman whose fate hinges on the choice she makes after bumping into an old flame; in alternating chapters, we see two possible scenarios unfold—with stunningly different results."
This isn't my usual kind of read. My daughter recommended it after my musing about a novel idea where the character comes to a 'Y' in the road. In the book, Hannah doesn't realize there was a Y. The book alternates chapters as she lives out her destiny in each reality, but she has no idea that she exists another timeline. It's a romance so of course she finds her true 'soul mate' and happiness in each reality, but unexpectedly, it's not the same guy. And in each reality, she's happy with the choice she made at that small moment in time.
Everyday we make little decisions or experience events that could affect the rest of our lives. A chance meeting with someone we're attracted to whose long-term affect on our lives is decided by what we do about it. One day we look back on that meeting, perhaps happy with our choice or with regret. And maybe it's neither. as the old Buddhist tale says; Who can say what's good or bad?"
I found this concept quite interesting as I've faced two major life-altering 'Y's in my life. One was career related and the other about a life-partner. I'll write about that in another post.
Overall, a well-written book with an interesting concept.